Tracy from Garden Fresh Gourmet Donates Hair to Wigs 4 Kids

Fresh from the salon...Tracy from Garden Fresh Gourmet visited our Wigs 4 Kids Wellness Center to deliver her second hair donation to our program! Tracy donated over 20 inches of hair as she loves the mission behind the work we do and has the heart to give back and support the children we serve. We thank Tracy for her ongoing commitment, as it takes roughly 10-12 ponytails to make a wig for a child in need and our hair donors make our program possible. Way to go, Tracy!

Pigs 4 Wigs Has Begun!

No-Shave November is here as the brothers in blue are already competing in the 9th Annual Pigs 4 Wigs campaign for Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan. Officers pay $50.00 and can raise additional funds so they can avoid shaving for the month of...

Halloween Party for Our Kids!

Dear Wig Recipients & Families,  Just a reminder...our Enchanted Tea Room is open on Saturdays and this coming Saturday, October 30th is our Halloween Party!   Seatings are available at: 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM (1 seating...

Metro On the Move Hair Donation Video

Heartfelt thanks to Andy Miller from Metro On The Move for growing his hair out to donate, and filming the process through a step-by-step guide. He did an amazing job presenting the guidelines for hair donations and supporting our Maggie's Wigs...

Jaeleen Raises Awareness of our Program

These photos are all of our Jaeleen! She traveled across the country to participate in a modeling campaign with one of our wig manufacturers to show that wearing wigs can create different looks. This is one of the many ways she has raised awareness...

Thank you, Girl Scout Troop 71667!

Girl Scout Troop #71667 stopped by our new Wellness Center to bring a very special donation to help us continue our mission. They supported us years ago and we were happy to show them how much our programming has grown since they first got involved....

Our Next Tent Sale is Tomorrow!

Tomorrow; Saturday, October 23rd we’re hosting another tent sale at Maggie’s Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan! If it’s too cold outside, our sale will be held inside the Wellness Center. We’re offering tea & homemade scones...

Vote for our Finalist: Jaeleen!

Our wig recipient Jaeleen Davis has been nominated as 1 of 4 finalists for The NASCAR Foundation's Betty Jane France Humanitarian Award! You can vote for her daily until November 12th at: and Maggie's Wigs 4...

Cuts 4 a Cause Day 2

Day 2 of our Cuts 4 a Cause hair restoration certification program! We are so proud of our graduates for expanding their skill set and becoming certified to provide wigs to children & adults! ::BLOCK:: ::CONTENT::GALLERY ::BLOCK::

Thank you, L'anse Creuse HS Volleyball Team!

Go L’anse Creuse High School Volleyball Team! During COVID, they’ve had to get creative in raising awareness & funds while keeping everyone safe. The staff & students chose to support our program since we’re a local charity...

Thank you, Pearson Elementary!

The staff & students of Pearson Elementary School participated in a hair drive and are seen here proudly wearing their “I Made a Difference” t-shirts. Since it takes 10-12 ponytails to help a child, one student made the comment...

Wig Recipient Lauren Donates Her Hair!

Our beautiful wig recipient Lauren Brush came to our program when she was bravely fighting brain cancer and had it twice. Now, she is all grown up and doing well! Lauren chose to grow her hair out so she could pay it forward and help another child...

Thank You to Brian Coles & South Lyon Schools

Our thanks to Brian Coles & family, and the staff & students of South Lyon Schools for hosting a hair drive in support of the children we serve! A donation was made so each participant could receive a t-shirt and star patch commemorating the...

Tent Sale Rescheduled To October 23rd

Our next tent sale has been rescheduled from Saturday, October 16th to Saturday, October 23rd from 12-4 pm with the help of our friends at Freestar Financial who will be volunteering their time. Guests will enjoy complimentary tea & scones when...
Sponsor a Child Receive a Wig

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