Walmart Foundation Gifts $90,000 Grant to Wigs 4 Kids

Wigs 4 Kids is humbled to have the support of the Walmart Foundation who chose us as a charity of choice to receive a $90,000 grant to continue our mission. We applied for support and were awarded more than we requested! The funds will help us serve 90 families in need of wigs and support services such as classes, field trips and counseling at our Wellness Center. A special thanks to Representative Hertel who took the time to be part of this morning's celebration. 

Reach Radio Interview

We thank Fran, the Founder of Reach Radio for inviting Maggie Varney our Founder & CEO of Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan to share information about our program with their listeners. Reach Radio is a public health service and we're...

Incarcerated Man Donates Hair to Help Children

An incarcerated man donated hair to children battling cancer, a process three years in the making. When Jesús was in county jail in October 2017, he heard about a program that helps children battling cancer. He decided then to start letting...

C&G Newspapers: Holiday Cards Available

We thank C&G Newspapers for providing media coverage of Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan, our annual appeal and holiday cards. This was a great opportunity for us to raise awareness in the community and we appreciate their continued belief...
Sponsor a Child Receive a Wig

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