C&G Newspapers Community Briefs: Wigs 4 Kids Gala Tickets on Sale

Wigs 4 Kids was honored to welcome back C&G Newspapers as media partners for our 13th Annual Gala. This is the second year we have generously received their support as sponsors and we are grateful for the continuing media coverage they provide to our program throughout the year. 

We were recently featured in the Community Briefs section of the St. Clair Sentinel and thank C&G Newspapers for raising awareness of our signature event. 


Lake Orion TV Interview for Wigs 4 Kids

A special thanks to the team at Lake Orion TV for their invitation to participate in an interview about Wigs 4 Kids! We were able to reach out further in the community, raise awareness of the growing need for our services, and focus on the many ways...

Source Newspapers: Washington Township CDBG Funds

Wigs 4 Kids thanks the Source Newspapers for sharing information about Washington Township and their recent allocation of CDBG funds to various nonprofits in the community. Wigs 4 Kids was fortunate to be chosen as a charity of choice for this...

UAW Chrysler: A Wigs 4 Kids Love Story

Wigs 4 Kids thanks the UAW for their ongoing support of our program. UAW Local 7 member Ryan Warren generously grew his hair for donation to our program and we are honored to feature his story on our website through the talent of Ron Russell. Please...

Lake Orion TV: Wigs 4 Kids Interview

Wigs 4 Kids is looking forward to an upcoming interview through Lake Orion TV (ONTV) on Thursday, February 16th - 2:00 pm. We have served families in the area and appreciate the opportunity to reach out even further in the community. Whenever...
Sponsor a Child Receive a Wig

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