Wigs 4 Kids Appeals to Macomb Twp for CDBG Funding

Wigs 4 Kids was mentioned in The Voice as one of several nonprofit organizations applying for CDBG funding before the Macomb Township Board of Trustees that would allow us to continue our mission of serving children and young adults in our community.

WGRT FM Radio: Wigs 4 Kids Looking For Volunteers

Heartfelt thanks to WGRT FM Radio for their continued support in helping us raise awareness of Wigs 4 Kids. Cathie Martin and her team shared an article recently about the importance of volunteers to our program. To learn more about our volunteer...

Patch: Shores' Charity Receives $90,000 Grant

Wigs 4 Kids thanks the team at Patch.com for sharing news about the very generous $90,000 grant we received from the Walmart Foundation. The grant will help us continue our mission of providing wigs and support services at no charge to Michigan...

Michigan Masons Award $50,000 to Wigs 4 Kids

Wigs 4 Kids was overwhelmed with gratitude to the Michigan Masonic Charitable Foundation and our local lodge Roseville #66 for their $50,000 grant! We applied for support and out of the 40 applications they received from nonprofits this...
Sponsor a Child Receive a Wig

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