C&G Newspapers: Construction Costs Shift Scope of W4K Building

We thank C&G Newspapers and Kristyne Demske for sharing the news that our forever home building concept is changing to a 1-story facility with approval from our great city of St. Clair Shores. Due to rising construction costs, necessary changes in the building's plan for development had to be altered and we are grateful that our hometown has embraced the revisions and we are moving forward with construction. You can the read the article by clicking on the photo in our gallery. 

C&G Newspapers: Holiday Cards Available

Our thanks to Kristyne Demske and the C&G Newspapers / St. Clair Shores Sentinel for sharing the news that we have holiday cards available at our Wellness Center. 100% of proceeds benefit Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan! You can purchase...

Warren TV: Interview with Jesse Cole

Heartfelt thanks to Jesse Cole and the TV Warren team for interviewing Maggie Varney, our Founder & CEO about our Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan program. Learn how Maggie started our organization and why serving these children is our honor...

Madonna University: Talking Points TV Show

We thank the team at Madonna University Detroit for inviting Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan to participate in an interview on the Talking Points TV Show that will be held on Wednesday, October 9, 2019. We appreciate the opportunity to reach...
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